Vision and mission

Vision and mission


To become a reliable, reputable and global-minded Department of Electrical Engineering while still paying attention to local values ​​in developing science and technology in 2020


  1. Produce graduates who are characterized, independent and have an entrepreneurial spirit through the implementation of the Tridarma of Higher Education
  2. Improving the ability of human resources in the development of science and application of technology towards a leading Electrical Engineering Department
  3. Increase mutually beneficial cooperation with various parties


  1. Organizing quality information technology-based education that is relevant to industry needs through the development of a conducive academic atmosphere
  2. To produce graduates in the field of electrical engineering who are competent, professional, entrepreneurial and have national and global competitiveness
  3. Improving the quality and professionalism of human resources in implementing the Tridharma of Higher Education
  4. Develop partnerships with alumni, other higher education institutions, industry, government and community institutions both at home and abroad


  1. Increasing the quality of the learning process through consistent planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
  2. Availability of a curriculum that is in accordance with the development of science and technology as well as the needs of society and industry
  3. Increased use of information technology in the learning process to produce timely and outstanding graduates
  4. Reducing the waiting period for graduates to get their first job or create new jobs
  5. Increased graduate user satisfaction
  6. Increasing the quality of lecturers in the implementation of learning, research, publications and community service
  7. Increasing alumni participation in the development of the quality of graduates
  8. The holding of mutually beneficial cooperation with other higher education institutions, industry, government and community institutions both at home and abroad
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